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          La mer devient
                PLUS verte 

   The sea is getting GREENER

SuperStainableTM and NetMinusTM are key words in the world of BioPort. We have all the capabilities expected in leading Sustainability Consulting, however, we are much more ambitious than expected.


SuperStainable  includes a much more powerful approach to the global green agenda than the unambitious "all talk" approach by so many. 

Our NetMinus concept also reflects this promise.
Be prepared for creativity, out-of-the-box thinking.
....and a lot af action.

Architectural Dome
Image by Nicholas Doherty

Défie tout

Challenge everything

We all have to move on from the concept of "Greenwashing"  and come up with truly original product- and concept development to achieve outstanding results. 

BioPort ( is the think-tank, the "EcoLab" that created BioFerries. BioPort delivers:
- Hyper-green, turn-key maritime business projects and
- Leading sustainability consulting to the maritime industry including ports, ferry services and trucking companies.     

Plus d'information

Further information

Please go to the top menu to read more about BioPort and BioFerries or to contact us,
or see below for company information. 

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