BioFerries is not a company but what we define as an
Eco Alliance. An Eco Lab testing cutting-edge technology as well as unprecedented creative ideas.
Our concept will redefine the roles of all players involved in our service, in our product. The meaning of the words operator, supplier, authority and customer will change.
We will all be joined in an Eco Alliance.
Alliance Eco
Eco Alliance
Alliance Client
Customer Alliance
Being a customer of BioFerries is very different from what you would expect within the travel industry.
There are basically two fundamental differences:
1) By travelling with us the customer will actively improve the environment, improve the state of the planet, rather than the opposite. And no - it is not enough just to buy a "CO2 offset" to feel good about burning fuel in planes or ferries. CO2 offsetting is a fake concept and on top of that there are many other environmental issues to consider.
2) As a passenger with BioFerries you will be an active partner in our ambitious project The Sea is Green.
The customer will participate in improving the sustainability of the present service and in defining a better future.
Green Energy UK
Alliance Commerciale
Business Alliance
We are redefining business cooperation. In our world, we are working on a Green Alliance. Together!
What this means is that we create, develop and maximise mutual benefits when it comes to making businesses sustainable.
BioFerries accordingly works with partners and sponsors rather than suppliers.
& NetMinusTM
Again, billions of trees should have been planted on the planet
30 years ago if CO2 quotas to offset fuel burning should have been an honest concept.
To make things worse, this goes to a large extent for the production of electricity too.
We have to do more, so BioFerries will not just be sustainable, as this is defined today, but SuperStainable, which means giving back MORE to the planet than we take.
In terms of CO2 the ambition is not net zero, it is NetMinus, meaning actively, on balance, reducing CO2 levels.
Nos Valeurs
Our Values
Triple Bottom Line meaning us defining our results financially
(we need to survive), but even more so in relation to our positive effect on people, on society, and last, but certainly not least, on the environment.
Obviously we want to be "best in class". But we want so much more than that. So being a staff member is truly pioneering and staff will be treated with the highest level of respect.
Open Source means that we will have no secrets and we will share all know-how and insights with everyone. Openness, transparency and honesty are key values in BioFerries.
Nous l'avons déjà fait
We've done it before
Well, the Boulogne-Dover fast ferry service, SpeedFerries, won the award as Best European Crossing Operator in 2005.
And the team behind SpeedFerries still exists.
Several of the members have 25 years or more experience within the ferry industry, including Founding Partner, Curt Stavis.
So, yes, we've done it before.